We’ve integrated a collection of Website Acceleration Tools in the Web Hosting Control Panel to help you really easily enhance the online performance of your sites. You won’t need to transform anything in the program code or come up with specific configuration settings that require technical know–how on your part. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, just choose the application you want to work with – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish and create an instance for it. It’s all finished with a mouse click. By speeding up your websites, you will not just prevent your visitors from having to hang on but will also help your website rank higher in search engine listings.
You will find the Website Acceleration Tools in the Advanced Applications area of your Web Hosting Control Panel.
RAM–saving as an alternative to data base calls
In case you have a database–loaded site or application, and if data–base requests usually slow up the functionality, this can be really bothersome to the web–site visitors or the web app users. Finding an answer usually can demand a lot of time. Nevertheless, inside the ESVHosting.Net Web Hosting Control Panel, there’s an easy solution for you.
Memcached is an easy, yet highly effective distributed memory object caching system, that memorizes information and objects in the RAM. In this way, the database–stored information on your site will not need to be querried every time a website visitor opens exactly the same page.
RAM–storing rather than HTTP requests
You will discover numerous methods to boost a site, however, most of them require a coder to reword the backend code. Luckily, there are more user–friendly solutions for speeding up a website, just like the Varnish web accelerator instrument integrated into our Web Hosting Control Panel.
Varnish represents an HTTP accelerator, which keeps HTTP requests within the RAM and sends them to the customer as a substitute for waiting for the server to send them. Testing prove that employing Varnish on a website as well as a web application in most cases hurries up website loading speeds with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish can also be set up how to deal with inward requests – whether they need to be served by Varnish, by the server, and so forth.
For making quick and additionally scalable applications
Web developers can use Node.js for developing many types of top–notch and economical applications including business analytics, real time web applications and content management systems, to name just a few. It is quick and flexible and is supported by an active community that is constantly progressing and supporting it.
Node.js is founded on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders its API accommodating and upgradeable. This kind of brand–new solution enables designers to speedily produce top quality applications only using 1 language.